Start Your Journey to Wealth

Explore premium programs, courses, and tools designed to help you lead with authority and achieve extraordinary success.

Featured Courses

Executive Wealth Kit

Executive Wealth Kit This comprehensive bundle of 12 bite-sized, high-impact courses pulls back the curtain on battle-tested strategies that work in the real world, not just theory. Each course runs between 5-13 minutes, delivering concentrated knowledge without the fluff.  


Incorporate for Freedom: Corporate Structures of the Elite E-Book

Unlock the closely guarded secrets of wealth preservation and financial liberation with Mark Lewis's groundbreaking book, "Incorporate for Freedom: Corporate Structures of the Elite."

$17.00 USD

2025 Tax Intensive

This isn't just a course—it's your roadmap to financial freedom through strategic corporate structuring and savvy tax planning. In this comprehensive program, we don't just teach tax management—we demonstrate, step-by-step, how someone earning $500,000 can slash their tax rate to below 15%.   

$997.00 USD

All The Tools You Need To Scale Your Business...

Faster than your competition...


Executive Money Strategies Courses

Wealth Secrets Bundle (all trainings, documents and ebooks below) $12,997

BONUS trainings only available in the Bundle:

Tax Trifecta: BOI, Augusta Rule, Tax-Free Kids (Use the elite's best-kept secrets accurately, and file your BOI correctly) [1-hour]
The Incorporation Video Library [36 hours of ancillary eduction]
Executive Wealth Kit (A 12 video compendium on critical aspects of multi-entity creation) [1 hour]

Course Bundles:

 1. Trust Bundle
(All items in the Trust curriculum) $997
2. Business Bundle
(All ten items in the Business Entity curriculum) $4,497
3. Tax Bundle
(All items in the Tax Training curriculum) $997
4. Trading Bundle
(All items in the Trading Curriculum) $397

Courses À la Carte:

Business Entity Curriculum

1. Business Basics
(What business is, and why you want one) [1 hour] $397
2. Which Company Should I Set Up?
(Which entity is best for you) [1 hour] $397
3. Foundations In Corporate Structure
(How to mix entities for maximum benefit) [1.5 hours] $397
4. Three Pillars of Wealth: Taxes, Lawsuits, Estate Tax
(How to beat the three big business expenses) [1 hour] $397
5. Incorporate for Freedom Masterclass
(The quintessential guide to multi-entity incorporation) [7 hours] $997
6. Operating Agreements & Minutes
(Our template for these critical documents (60+ pages) for Partnership/C-Corp) $2,497
7. Required Business Forms
(A walkthrough of all the required forms, and how best to navigate them) [1 hour] $397
8. The Tax Deduction Playbook
(The biggest deductions you MUST take to compete) [1 hour] $397
9. Corporate Compliance Secrets
(Maximizing compliance to maximize asset protection) [1 hour] $397
10. Advanced Business Tactics
(Elite secrets of bundling entities and their benefits) [3 hours] $997


Tax Training Curriculum

 1. Business Tax Mastery
(Mastering tax reduction from the ground up) [1 hour] $397
2. Eight Lies Your CPA is Telling You
(Why you're not getting ahead with your profits) [1 hour] $397
3. Annual Tax Intensive (The 5-hour annual live tax workshop (2025)) [5 hours] $997

Trust Curriculum

 1. "Your Trust Is Broken" (ebook)
(Why and How your trusts stop working and how to fix them) $17
2. Trust Protection Secrets (The foundation of the best uses and types of trusts) [1 hour] $397
3. Complete Trust Creation Masterclass (A complete guide -with docs - for setting up trusts) 3.5 hours] $997

Trading Curriculum

1. "Make Your Fortune Harpooning Whales" (ebook)
(How to Trade like Market Makers) $17
2. Foundations in Stock and Crypto Trading

(A foundational training for understanding business trading) [1 hour] $397
3.  "Using Bank Money to Trade" (ebook)
(Why we should never use our money to trade) $17